Written by Mathieu Doublet.
The Louis Vuitton Foundation has the pleasure of partnering with the Marmottan Monet Museum(France), which boasts the world’s largest collection of works by Claude Monet, to present“Monet-Mitchell”, an exhibition devoted to the dialogue between Claude Monet’s later works(1914–1926), the Water Lilies, and the work of the American artist Joan Mitchell. The JoanMitchell retrospective, which will be on display on the lower level of the Frank Gehrybuilding, will run simultaneously and will allow for a discovery of her work. Faced withthe same landscape, namely the banks of the Seine, Monet and Mitchell developed a pictorialapproach that they defined in similar terms, with Monet referring to “sensation” and Mitchellto “feelings”. Inspired by the natural surroundings of the Paris Region, both artists sharedan acute sensitivity to light and color, the interplay of which forms the basis of theirart. Through her use of hedonistic color and vibrant light, Mitchell shared evocations offeelings and memories; Monet’s late work was marked by the abandoning of formal contours infavor of color, which he defined by capturing fleeting light. Monet and Mitchell’s gesturaland energetic canvases, which evoke foliage, water, and the atmosphere, reflect their mutualaffinity with the landscape. Through some 60 emblematic works by both artists, the exhibitionoffers the public an enchanting and immersive journey, emphasized by striking visual andthematic parallels.
Louis Vuitton Foundation // 8 avenue du Mahatma Gandhi, 75116 Paris, France // Until February 27th, 2023